I again rang the Doctors surgery this morning and was again told that there were no appointments left (after trying all last week to get an appointment). I then asked for the name of the practice manager and told them that I was also reporting them for failing in their duty of care to their patients. I was then asked if I could make 3:15 next Monday.
Funny how an appointment appears just like that....
My GPs has just changed its appointments system. Is its urgent (as assessed by triage ringing you back) you can get an appointment same day. Other appointments have now to be booked a week in advance. However when you ring up you are placed 'in a queue'. It seems like a bit of pot luck where you are in that queue. I repeatedly rang until the phone line opened and found myself at position number 5 and was told no appointments left???
Im not to bad now Jordy thanks but ended up in the nut hut last year. Trying to get an appointment for ANYTHING in this neck of the woods is difficult at the best of times.
If the service is that bad you should make a formal complaint. You can't be the only dissatisfied customer and, if you're not, yours won't be the only complaint.
Naomi, my family are all with the same GPs, all have the same problem. Complaints have been made before and not long ago they were actually in the local paper for their poor performance. The usual 'noises' were made that things would improve but they havnt. Its a shame because they have some fantastic GPs working there...when you can get to see one that is.
Don't know why people think that I get angry and shout. Ive always been polite with receptionists, even when I had to threaten to report them I remained calm.
I was going to put a complaint in today if I didn't get an appointment. Still might thinking about it. On my other thread I was told to just go to the walk in centre but couldn't see why I should if Ive got a GP. And if any treatment would have been required I would have been told to see my own GP anyway.
You said in your other thread that your surgery did Internet appointments, so that's why all the appointments go. If you and your family want to avoid all the hassle get yourselves online. It's really easy. If I can use it so can you.