the police, courts and cps take a very strong view on domestic violence. they have even set up special courts in some places to tackel such an issue. unfortunatly for your sake, the police and cps do not need your concent to persue the case and can put your partner on trial without your say so. this is a good thing although you may not think so. A woman is assaulted on average 30 times before she calls the police, this is something which just shouldnt happen. many women are scared to make any complaint to the police for fear of further violence towards them. Many courts are now setting up systems whereby the offender does not just go to prison, and get out after 3 months. they are infact putting them on programs where thet are on a court order and have many appointments with various organisations to attend. this helps re-habilitate offenders and also means that they cannot simply come out of prison and continue the abuse.
you may on this occasion think that this was only a small spat and was nothing, however if your partner has shown this level of violence towards you, then it will not be the last time it happens, that is a gaurentee. and as a mother you have to ask the question, is this how you wish for your kids to be raised, seeing this sort of thing, and possibly at some point thinking it is ok, and they in turn may do it to there future partners.
your children need to have the best up bringing and need to feel safe at home, not in fear for themselves and ther mother.