if you receieved a 2 year suspended sent. and a years probation and anytime within that period you violate the conditions, do you serve the the oringinal sentence ,or do you serve some of it ; say 8 months you been complying...do they take some time off or resentence you to do the full sentence?
If you break the conditions attached to a suspended sentence you will be brought back to court and more onerous conditions attached or you could be sentenced in a different (harder) way for the original offence. This could include activating the suspended sentence.
If you commit another offence while having a suspended sentence, you are liable to be imprisoned for the new offence and the suspended sentence activated in full in addition.
The Courts do not take kindly to people who disrepect their orders. This is explained when the original probation/susp. sentence is handed out. Incarceration is highly likely the majority of the time - for one to consider their actions!!