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Criminal records - Court results

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ayjay | 10:32 Sat 06th Oct 2007 | Criminal
4 Answers
Hi I am trying to find out how many previous convictions someone has. I know crimminal records are not disclosed on the net, but am led to believe you can get court result information on the net. Maybe i could find out through this. Does anyone know a website where i can do this, thanks.


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Incredibly time consuming and nearly impossible, unless you know the court dates, which court and so on.

you would not be allowed to view anybodies criminal record from court files,because of the data perotection laws.
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I know which courts he's appeared at, but I'd never know all the court dates, there would be too many too remember over the last 10 years. Plus all the times he's appeared at court and got away with charges against him!!
As in previous answers, there is nothing in this country where you can find out someones previous convictions. It is in the public interest when a court case is running but once it is over there is no way of knowing the outcome unfortunately. In America for a fee this is possible but not in this country.

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