H3LP: Only just logged on. Thanks for that.
The main thing which governs any prosecution brought by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) is that, because they are funded by public money, they have to ensure that what they prosecute is "in the public interest." Unless that can be justified it would be rare indeed for a prosecution to go ahead.
Now, I don't want to raise your hopes too much, however, if your (ex)partner has not only withdrawn her complaint, but also wants to get back together with you, then in my experience of these matters, and I have had experience over many years, it seems to me that it could ultimately be discontinued.
I hasten to add, however, that such decisions are matters for the CPS and the Court.
Make sure that your Solicitor is aware that your (ex)partner is withdrawing her complaint and also ensure that she has in fact made a written statement of retraction of her complaint to the Police.
It's very important for you NOT to contact her directly. Sounds to me like your Bail conditions probably say something to that effect? Which means that if you are found to have made contact with her, YOU risk being re-arrested for breaching those conditions.
I realise how difficult it may be for you NOT to try to contact her, especially as you're not due back in Court for nearly a month, but you must direct anything and everything through your Solicitor, including her letter to you. That way, you can't be accused of stepping out of line again while you're on Bail.
Best of luck!