Car Accident.. will I be prosecuted?
Hi ppl, I had a car accident yesterday and I am worried whether or not i will be prosecuted. I was turning around at an exit to Mcdonalds car park and has i came out the junction was hit by a lorry. I admitted blame at the time in shock but now totally regret it. I am only 19 and have had my licence for less than 6months. Although my car was over the white line of the junction i did not pull out in front of the lorry. The junction is also hard to see from and peeping and creeping is usually the best option however has i was using the exit to turn around in as i came to the end I went over the white line slightly as i looked to my right the lorry went straight into me. The officer stated that i will either be prosecuted for driving without due care or recommended for a driver improvement scheme. I would prefer the later and hope not to be banned from driving for one tiny mistake. The police were on the lorry drivers side and he is saying that i kept on coming but i did not pull out. Anyone have any ideas what will happen? my car has been written off the lorry had little damage and ther wer no injuries.