Should Mr Singh have joined the Police Service, or is this just another example of grabbing a ride on the compensation gravy train?
Apart from the compensation aspect this is another example where tolerant Britain has made a rod for it's own back, by making separate provisions to fit in with all the different races and religions.
In this instant he is demanding that he doesn't don protective riot head gear, or even an official police badge on his turban.
He alleged he was 'coerced' into walking through a petrol fire, despite telling trainers about a flammable gel he had applied to his beard.
Is this gel also a religious necessity?
Of course he is claiming racial and religious discrimination, which could lead to a £200,000 payout.and he is being backed by the British Sikh Police Association.
The "British Sikh Police Association"? this is a new one on me. Still no chance of a "White British Church of England Police Association I suppose?
The officer said he suffers panic attacks and high blood pressure as a result and may resign from the force.
I would think this would be best for all. before he demands to wear the full outfit.