ref K8Bailey comment; writer you will not get a "visit" from social serivices, you may get communication from them via letter, but please, you probably have enough on your plate without the fear of god being put in you! i can speak from experience, i had my ex partner jailed for DV throughout my problems my young daughter was present in the house (not in the room where assaults took place) i once had letter from Soc services, but they just wanted to help and to ensure i could cope, they actually were very helpful and a source of information to me. Good luck with your situation, it is very unlikely he will get a custodial sentance, I actually testified against my ex in court, and it was his third brush with the law on DV so he went down (for 2 months!?) if I hadn't been present in court he would have walked. Think long and hard, I don;t believe that a man who raises a hand to a woman won't do it again and again, unfortunately I used to think he could "change" . Good luck, keep safe.