Hotlips, you shouldn't be recharged for stat and mand training, and to be honest, in your line of work, the NVQ (or its successor qualifications, but we still call them NVQs) should be necessary as a part of your job. 2s were more often funded than 3s originally, as prior qualifications were taken into account.
There is part-funding still available (although Train to Gain has finished) but the employer has to pay half - I arrange NVQs for staff and if they are eligible for Apprenticeships, we don't have to pay anything as the government foots the bill.
Some employers do get employees to sign to say that training costs have to be refunded if you leave - but if they haven't paid in the first place, that wouldn't apply!
The charge for stat and mand failure to complete is very reasonable - where we work, if you fail to complete (or DNA) we are charged £75 in an attempt to recoup the cost of the wasted training place.