Son's lift in the morning has been fined 450 quid, charged with dangerous driving and is due in court tomorrow. His lift has already 8 points on his licence
(Guy must be an idiot) If I'd known any of this I wouldn't have let him in the car. Guess he is losing his licence then?
Doing a U-turn at traffic lights is extremely dangerous and stupid beyond belief! One less moron behind the wheel of a lethal weapon in the wrong hands sounds good to me...
I see the Police doing u-turns all the time at the traffic lights outside my flat, so much that I thought it must be legal to do so, you live and learn!
I ,too ,wondered about that Mark. I might find out more when son comes home. (sorry about the spacing, sticky keyboard)
A court appearance is surely to do with something more serious. EG, if the police see one is driving without the correct tax disc and haul you over, it is a fixed penalty and points without having to go to court.