If the man who 'beat' your son only got a caution it would seem on the face of it that it wasn't a bad beating.
You could try visiting the police station to ask why they gave a caution rather than prosecuting the man.
it was the cps that decided on the caution because the man had never been in trouble before. I know it was abh that is why im so angry and need advice. my son was walking home and was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He 16 so he was terrified and did not try to fight, he just took the beating.
It happens
My friends son was waiting at a bus stop in his school uniform, with a couple of mates
A car stopped, 4 men gout out and beat him up very badly.
A case of mistaken identity and they to were let off with a caution
Sadly, unless you have huge amounts of dosh, you may have to just let this go
I do not think civil action is only for the very rich oj, there is of course no point taking action against men of straw, but in your case it is unlikely that all four people can be men of straw. Remember that you can issue a statutory demand if you wish and bankruptcy with all the difficulties that will entail. I would suggest to anyone owed money to consider action in the civil courts or take professional advice.