Previous owner transfers insurance from car A to their new vehicle on 26/08/12
New owner of car A insures car A on 02/09/12.
Does it matter to the DVLA that the car did not have any insurance , between 26/08/12 and 01/09/12 , ( with respect to this continous insurance - car was not driven on road )
Sorry I may be a bit thick here but how can a car have continuous insurance. When you sell it to a dealer and it stays on their forecourt for a few weeks sometimes longer. I am sure they do not insure all their cars or declare them SORN, However I stand to be corrected.
As long as owner A has sold car A to a dealer, then the car insurance is no longer valid for said car, and comes under the dealers insurance as SORN until sold, AT WHICH TIME, the insurance becomes the responsibility of the new owner, IMO.
And at such time, the new owner has a legal responsibility, under the relevant Traffic Act to ensure all sections of the said Act are complied with.