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Driving Drunk?

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Marijn | 00:11 Sun 30th Dec 2012 | Law
41 Answers
How much alcohol is too much, for the average man, for him to be safe to drive?


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Agree with 'any' being too much, the two don't mix well.
Bit of a problem for Vicars, isn't it ? These days, a vicar has to look after a number of churches in a mega-parish, and must celebrate communion or mass in numerous places every Sunday. He or she can surely only sip the tiniest quantities of communion wine in each church, or s/he will soon be in trouble. And I gather the C of E is not swimming in money, so no Chauffeurs or taxis are going to be available.
An interesting point, Atalanta. Most supermarket red wines are around 11.5% to 13.5% ABV but, surprisingly to me, communion wines seem to be rather stronger (at around 15% ABV):

That means that there's 1 unit of alcohol in 67ml of wine, which is about half of the smallest glass sold in pubs. So a full (small) glass holds around 2 units, which is 'within the limit' for most people, but another half glass could possibly put the reverend gentleman (or lady) over the limit. This Italian priest was 'on the limit' for UK driving (but, unfortunately for him, over the limit for driving in Italy) when he got stopped by police:
I got charged with DD over 14 years ago. I had 36 ( Yes 36) mgs just 1 over the limit. I got a year ban and £150 fine. The police man who charged me said I was the least over the limit he had ever had to charge
I asked him by how much beer was I over ,1/2 pint ? He replied ''no, more like 1/2 a teacup full''
I had had 1 & 1/2 pints but one pint was a 6% ale.
I was so little over that they could not use the breath test as it was not accurate enough, they had to call a doctor to do a blood test . He arrived in less than 5 mins !!! try getting a doctor out that fast any other time.
1½ pints of 6% ABV beer works out at 5.1 units, Eddie, so I'm not surprised that you were over the limit. I've drunk up to 3 units in the past, before driving (although I wouldn't now) and I reckon that I must have been very close to the limit then.
Anyone convicted of driving with any alcohol in the system should face an automatic 5 year driving ban. No exceptions, no excuses.
I have no qualms about drinking after a glass of wine, nor about others doing the same. My worries are about those who clearly have had a lot more, and about those who may be stone cold sober but talk on their phones as they drive - a much greater risk imho. When I drive, wine or not, I pay full attention to the road; those on phones do not.
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Jno, your first sentence made me laugh out loud. Read it again :-)
I've got "no qualms about drinking after a glass of wine" either, Notafish - as long as I won't be driving!
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:-) Thank you Chris, for your contribution to this thread. It's nice to get answers containing facts and figures.
I find it easier to not drink and drive at all.

My fear would be if I hit someone or caused an accident after just one drink, I would always think that it might not have happened if I hadn't drunk at all.

A friend was walking home from the pub one night, he left his car behind as he'd had a couple. Was hit by a lorry driver who was way over the limit. Died instantly. I think that's had a huge effect on how I view drink driving.
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Yes, I think that's a good point, 2sp.
i have followed this thread as i thought it would garner some interesting answers....and it has! thank you everyone for contributing as it has broadened my horizons. i just wonder what the muppet who got removed was saying. thanks again, notafish x
Looking at the time, lcg, I would guess it was a spammer x
ha, sorry about that, notafish. (Though it's true of course...)
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I meant to say to 2sp, I'm very sorry to hear what happened to your friend. This has been very enlightening to me too, lcg. Thank you all so much for your answers and to Jno for making me laugh too :-)
hi ummmm! x
Thank you notafish.

I just get so angry at people who will drink and drive. The world will not end if you go out and drink coke, or get a taxi home after a few drinks. It's such a pointless, dangerous and irresponsible thing to do. Lives are destroyed by it.
2sp....see my answer too, over the page....i feel for you too x
That's awful, lcg, my heart goes out to you and your family. xx

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