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excelsior-1 | 18:46 Thu 10th Jan 2013 | ChatterBank
81 Answers
need your help please tony .... as the acknowledged motor expert on here

i am writing a tongue-in-cheek fictional biography of my boss for the works newsletter

he turned 18 in 1971 . . . what are the makes/models of 1960's cars that he might have bought for his first vehicle?


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Triumph Heralds looked snazzy but I believe they were rubbish motors.
Question Author
thanks sandy ... any more? perhaps with a more unusual name?
they had an exceptionally small turning circle, though. I think most cars had rubbish motors in those days. My first one was a Mini, that would have been about 1971. With less money he might have bought an old Morris Minor or Auustin A30;gs_ri=hp&cp=10&gs_id=5n&xhr=t&q=austin+a30&;biw=1720&bih=938&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357700187,d.d2k&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&;ei=kw3vUKHiBcjP0AWkloHIAg
Hillman MInx
Ford Anglia, morris mini countryman, 2 stroke saab, ford escort or the sexy ford capri
Sunbeam Rapier
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sorry, i got the dates wrong ... he turned 18 in 1981 - so it would be 1970's cars
Mini, Ford Anglia, Austin A35, or maybe a Ford Cortina, consul or Classic maybe.
Hope thats some help excel.
Ford Capri
Ford Cortina
Morris Minor
Triumph Herald
Morris Marina
names... Ford Cortinas or Anglias, maybe a Vauxhall Velox or a Hillman Imp
Ford Prefects were being built as late as 1961
scrub the ford prefect. None would have lasted the 10 years to 1971
How about a Wartburg excelsior, they were around then. My mum borrowed one...awful blooming thing it was !!
Weren't they 2 stoke flump.
Vauxhall Viva
Austin Allegro
Talbot Sunbeam
triumph spitfire, now you're bringing back memories, austin healy frogeyed sprite
Ford Anglias were quite popular as was the ford prefect and ford popular. There were lots of 2nd and 3rd hand minis. Hillman Imps, Fiat 500 's were also around if you had a few bob. I had a £50 1963 mini 850cc as my first car
Trabants were famously bad German cars
Question Author
a very good selection, thank you very much everyone

i shall choose one later
you could say he personally imported a Trabant or Wartburg from Germany (or Ford Edsel from America)

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