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My Son Was Arrested !!!!!

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ferlew | 22:10 Tue 09th Jul 2013 | Law
63 Answers
Because he couldn't sleep, and called on a friend, they went to a 24/7 Asda.
3am, looking for bargains.
Suspicious behaviour???
Ruddy police, nothing better to do ??


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I admit, I don't have the full tale yet.
It seems his nightly perambulations are suspicious.
All I know is they spent a night in the cells, accused of suspicious behavior.
Even our police don't arrest someone without something, however ill-founded in fact, to act on. What was he arrested for? He must have been told; he can't just be banged up without being told
You don't have the full story but you felt like ranting on here!!!!! Why??????
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Hopkirk, he is not lying.
He rarely sleeps because of pain, he will walk to tire himself out.

I think you need to hear the full story and then advise him how to act if at all.
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Blimey, he was told he was arrested for suspicious behaviour, how many times do I have to say it.
I know all the details up to the arrest, just not the release details.

Were they just walking along a main road then, ferlew?
I apologise, I was responding to......

//I admit, I don't have the full tale yet.//
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Yes, they were arrested half way between home and Asda.

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Sorry Mamya, I wasn't having a go at you.
It is fine.
so to the police who spotted them at 3am wandering along they probably did look suspicious. If they had been actually in asda it would probably have been fine.
This does sound rather odd and I am sceptical as to whether or not you have been furnished with all the details.
For one, the arresting officer would have to explain the details of the arrest to the Custody Sergeant at the Station.
Unless there have been thefts or similar in the area and your son fitted the description of person/persons involved I doubt that A. He would have been arrested for 'acting suspiciously' and B. that the Custody Sergeant would authorise his detention on those grounds alone, unless there are further enquiries pending, which by the sounds of things there are not.
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Taking him out tomorrow, will report back.
He is classed as a vulnerable adult.
No harm in him, and trying to live independently.
Ferlew...don't get upset. I don't know if there is a difference between arrested and taken into custody...we need Barmaid for that.
My son was taken into custody many years ago. He was leaving a pub when he saw a chap punching his girlfriend/wife. My usually soft son stepped in to stop him just before the police arrived. All concerned were taken to the police station and spent the night there. When I asked why he didn't make a fuss or phone me he said... Well I was only going home to bed and it saved the taxi fare...I slept in the cell and it was sorted out in the morning.
Maybe it is similar for your son...til you know don't get too worked up. These things's not so bad really. x
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Chilled, they were released this morning, no charge to answer.
I have never had truck with the police, so know nothing of their ways.
Ah, further details. In that case, the officer may have decided that he had to be placed in custody for his own safety, as the officer may have had concerns for his welfare. Different circumstances entirely.
Ah, Ferlew...posted before I saw the vulnerable adult bit...makes it more worrying for you....Any chance you could have a chat with the officers involved? x
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Ta Gness, I have been worried sick. Will see him tomorrow.
It sounds as though he has been placed in custody as a matter of welfare, certainly not for any criminal offence or behaviour.

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