Some neighbours of mine got broken into last night and their son, who is disabled, had his Playstation stolen.
It's really bothering me, and I would like to think of some way in which I can raise the funds to buy him a new one - doesn't matter if it's second hand or not.
I just want to do something 'good' and they are completely devastated.
Eeek, that may be difficult without drawing attention to them, no-one wants to be 'outed' as having been uninsured.
Have you a local 'Facebay' on FB or similar? That way you could say what's happened, ask in a community type way but not give their details away, apart perhaps to the person who will donate something. which i'm sure they will !! We all have stuff knocking about..get your best on-line pleading voice on :) Good luck, lovely gesture !!
I have no idea how much a Playstation is to buy, but it's not thousands of pounds, so you could organise a coffee morning and a raffle at your home for all your friends and neighbours.
Thanks for the responses and suggestions. I'm actually moving really soon, so not a huge amount of time to organise anything 'big'... but... I have today spoken with a few other neighbours who have decided to 'chip' in for them. One neighbour told me to sod off, but the rest of them were really nice and thought it was a kind thing to do.
I'm going to put on a bbq on Saturday and have them all round, and we'll hopefully be able to get the kid his playstation on the weekend too.