If my sister sends in divorce papers to end her marriage, citing her husband as the guilty partner, will she be charged for it, or can she arrange that her husband be sent the bill. He is guilty as charged, and moved out of the house 2 years ago, since she sent the forms to him on 26th August he has made no move to do anything about it. It seems as though he is just not bothered about doing it.
There are no guilty or not guilty parties to divorce now, the only grounds are that the marriage has broken down. You can 'do it yourself', forms are available online, the fee is around £70 I think.
Each party will need a solicitor which will incur costs to both sides. She could probably make it more simple now on the grounds of 2 years separation, and cheaper as he probably can't dispute it now.
You each employ a solicitor to do the necessary negotiate terms settlement etc ...if you are doing the serving of papers then you'll pay to have them drawn up and lodged !
Eddie 51 She has found out the bill is more like £410 for an online divorce, which is rather a lot for her to pay out since she is now a single parent with 2 teenagers. He has offered to pay for it, but is extremely slow with the money and is always saying he has none.
if they can both agree not to have a solicitor then that would save a bucket load. I got divorced on line for #70. if he does not respond then a judge can grant divorce but it takes years, ideally cooperation is necessary.
I also got divorced online for £70, no solicitors involved.. it was quick and easy to fill the forms out and get it sorted. If she is not getting any response from him I think she needs to wait 5 years until she can be granted a divorce without needing his consent (but I am not sure as I am not an expert in this matter)
I don't think the cheap divorces, although making you legally divorced, take into consideration the assets, finances and children. You would need a solicitor to get these sorted, especially if his name is on mortgage deeds etc. It can be forced through the courts in his absence if he wont sign anything but it is a slow and expensive process
They have sorted out all children and financial issues and it really is a case of just ending the marriage. Plain and simple. She will look into divorce online which seems to be the cheapest and simplest.
And whilst it may not be that there is a guilty party any more, the fact that he walked out and does not want to be married any more, combined with the fact that other women were involved, certainly makes him the guilty party!
Yes just go to the court pick up a set of forms, fill them in and take them back with the fee. That is all the online divorce places do , they just provide a downloaded copy of the forms and submit them for you, even cheaper to DIY.