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Estoppel Question Advise Needed

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Tiger7861 | 14:06 Thu 16th Jan 2014 | Law
607 Answers
Me and my partner live in my parents house for 15 years now they want me out in the past on numerous occasions they have promised me and my partner the house but nothing on paper
The deeds are in there name and we have never paid any rent or mortgage but we have spent money on the property over 10 years about 15k . Do I have any chance of keeping the house or staying here we have 2 children the solicitor had advised me of estoppel saying that you parents have broken there promise?Additional DetailsI forgot to mention me and my husband are separated know he is saying that no promise was made I have a witness to the promise but we did apply for local housing housing register waiting for a house will that have any significance ?
As the landlords are saying one of the conditions of staying there was that you stay on the hosing register.
In other words we did not reply to our detriment can this act bee taken like this ?


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Exactly, Tiger - you sort it out before you divorce, to prevent all this dirt being dished afterwards. Read what you've pasted: you will lose important rights to make any claims on property or finances. The property doesn't belong to your ex, so you can't claim from him. You haven't divorced your in-laws, they are nothing to do with it. They've been more than...
00:03 Fri 17th Jan 2014
'A note form the hospital' - why has your child got 'a note from the hospital'?
You keep adding all these extra bits, Tiger - we don't have it all - what's the matter with your child, if it's relevant to this?
For Funks Sake. Tiger, does your nose get longer every time you make a new posting.
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He is anxiety issues something called adhd
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Not a note from the hospital but he needs a stable life if we move that will have negative impact
If he needs such a stable life how did our divorce affect him?
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That's another reason to make an offer of a reasonable market rent. You may be eligible for help from DWP with housing costs
Tiger if you have children under 16 and you are made homeless through no fault of your own, then the local council have an obligation to rehouse you.
Get down to your local council housing office and ask about being put on the register as being at risk of homelessness . Though because of your 15 years without paying rent they may not class you as 'homeless through no fault of your own'
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Will the courts still evict me if my son has issues
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I m already on the hosing register
how is suing his grandparents providing a stable life? How is a note from the hospital simultaneously NOT a not from the hospital? How come you are only giving info in dribs and drabs but expecting a comprehensive answer? How come you haven't listened to a barrister's advice from earlier?
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Which barrister
Barmaid, for a start, is a barrister
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Sorry in new here who is the barrister plz identity name
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Ok thnxs
We know you are on the register but this is a new development and being at risk of eviction will give you a lot more points and push you to the top of the waiting list, so get down there and tell them you have an eviction notice.
The court will still evict you even if your son does have 'issues' but again the problems with your son may also give you a few more housing points so let the council housing department know that as well as the eviction.
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Well she's said it's not the strongest case
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Ok Eddie I think my solicitor is just wasting my money

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