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Oh he treated me so bad ,all i did was love him ! Sad thing is he loved me a little too much :( He eventually lost the plot completely and started abusing me because of his short comings ! I let the abuse go on for over a year ( not knowing it was abuse as i have never encountered anything like it before ! ) until eventually i went to the police when he broke my fingers ,smashed my jaw and cracked my elbow :( That is when he started stalking me etc ...the final beating with a baseball bat made any feelings i may have had for him ,die instantly ...along with my pride ...anyhows ,it's over ,i am moving on slowly ,i have couselling ..and i am looking for a job since i lost my old one as an ambulance driver because f him ! God i sound bitter ,i really am not ...just trying to understand why he treated me so badly ..i hope he does not treat her like this ,though tbh she is infactuated with him was i at one point !