Iv been charged with a section 18 with intent assult to my boyfriend but i didn't do anything the police toke a statement of him when he was drunk and he said i stabed him it was not a stab wound it was a cut wound to the arm done with a knife he then admitted his statement wasn't true he was drunk and didn't realise i didn't actually do anything till he had sobered up he has made a 2nd statement but cps are taking it forward my solicitor said this will be a difficult case for the cps to take to trial as they have no witnesses to say they seen me do anything they have a knife from our home with his blood on and my prints but i live there my prints are everwere hes told the police he done it himself when he was cutting a peice of cake what advice can anyone give me as IM a mother to a 2 year old and pregnant with his child i don't want my kids being taking of me for something i didn't do and i wount last in prison being away from my baby's can anyone help as my plea is in 2weeks what do i except?? Thankyou