What (Or Who) Is God (God)? in The AnswerBank: Religion & Spirituality
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What (Or Who) Is God (God)?

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Mark_Alan | 18:38 Tue 30th Jun 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
36 Answers
Why do humans have a pathological need to believe in a Supreme Being who controls and justifies all actions (past, present & future)?
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For some, believing what they feel is preferred to the effort and courage required to know what is real. Some find it easier to manipulate their own mind than to acquire the necessary understanding of reality required to improve their relationship to it. There are no limitations imposed on what one can choose to believe if one is willing to subjugate reason to...
06:42 Wed 01st Jul 2015
Insecurity. It isn't all humans. Many don't need it.
god exists in your head...thankfully not in mine!!
wow you do love brackets don't you?
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Heaven & Hell & Purgatory. There's Life & Death, Love & Hate. But the World is just One Thing, not many. Truth & Lies & Truthiness.
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The Colonel: I don't read no papers, and I don't listen to radios either. I know the world's been shaved by a drunken barber, and I don't have to read it. (from the movie, "Meet John Doe")
I like 'Truthiness'.
I prefer Druthiness Mamya.
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"Truthiness is a quality characterizing a "truth" that a person making an argument or assertion claims to know intuitively "from the gut" or because it "feels right" without regard to evidence, logic, intellectual examination, or facts."
(From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) (Nothing is truly "free.")
American television comedian Stephen Colbert coined the word in this meaning[2] as the subject of a segment called "The Wørd" during the pilot episode of his political satire program The Colbert Report on October 17, 2005
Why do some humans have a pathological need to disbelieve in a Supreme Being and ask about it here ?
God knows mate.
Good question OG and all without the aid of a neologism.
There you go another one is here who is asking about someone he does not believe exists.
keyplus, the person doesn't believe and that is the very reason the question is asked. He/she is trying to understand why some people need a spiritual crutch to help them through this life when others, such as him/her self doesn't.
Keyplus, Atheists are always searching for new information, rather than relying on a book written in the dark ages.
I will write my answer then see if anyone else thinks the same...

When humans first looked about themselves and realised they had a bit more brain power than the other animals and had the self awareness to see that life was ***. they wondered what the F was the point in scrabbling around in the dirt half starved with no hope of anything other than a short *** life. They then made upmas a coping mechanism a better world for later. For that better life there had to be a creator of that better world.

And God was born.
// They then made upmas a coping mechanism a better world for later. For that better life there had to be a creator of that better world.//

So it all boils down to breakfast.


Now I know why there is a God.
Which god would that be? There are hundreds of them.
Obviously the God of breakfast. He is called Bacon.

God told me to do it
God made me this way
If I pray hard enough, God will forgive me and all the bad things I do to others will be all ok.

The human need for a scape goat to omit all responsibility for being a (insert word here).
I don't control my life, my past or my future - God Does. I'm not responsible for my actions or of those around me - it's Gods work. I can sin and get away with it - God forgives.

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