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My Emails Address Book "hacked"

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countrykid | 18:28 Sun 16th Aug 2015 | Internet
8 Answers
I began getting emails from a few friends who'd all received a spurious email containing a link, which "appeared" to have been sent by me. The email address it had come from looked like mine except the last bit was different.

Clearly the intention was for recipients to click on the link. One person did so via their iphone. The link related to earning big money working from home.

What should I now do in respect to removing anything malicious that might now be on my own PC? How does someone Hack into emails accounts like my Yahoo one?

I am going to run a full scan using Kapsersky, but is that enough?



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Change your e-mail password.
Run an AV scan on your PC for peace of mind.
Malwarebytes and Superantispyware scans wouldn't hurt either.
I'd do as O_G says.
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It ended up in the wrong thread. 404 query was a different one.
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Thanks OG and all others. I'll def change Email Password. I've ran a full scan but will also run Malwarebytes too.
This sort of thing is getting more common by the day. We should all change our email passwords every month or so. I didn't used to but I do now.
Please update Flash Player on your computer!

See my posts on this thread for an explanation!

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My Emails Address Book "hacked"

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