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Can I Get In Trouble?

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Tom101 | 01:54 Tue 12th Jan 2016 | Law
11 Answers
I have been dating a girl for 6months now.
She is 15 and im 19. Her parents told me not to be in contact with her and i did as i was told. Recently she has been talking to me and i couldnt hold myself back because of how much i love her. And now her parents found out about it again and told me they intend to press charges. I live in a complete different country than her (she lives in usa) Is there anything i could get in trouble for and will the cops even be interested?


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how have you been contacting her? Online, by phone...?
Question Author
You need to be careful you don't get her into trouble.
at a guess, I'd say no, this isn't the sort of thing anyone gets extradited for. The police will probably just suggest to them that they take her phone away. (This is subject to anyone coming along and saying that there is some sort of law covering this - and also it will depend where you are.) You might like to consider why you're so interested in someone so young and so far away, though.
Not too sure how you are 'dating' someone who lives in another country, but I wouldn't worry, if it is just a few phone calls don't think the Police would be interested.
depends which country you are

Sex with a girl under 16 here is unlawful and it doesnt matter where it occurs in English Law. Obviously there are difficulties with witnesses if it is Timbuctoo.
But since you are in a different country - sex really doesnt seem like a realistic possibilty for either of you

In the UK this is also a child protection issue
and this could be troublesome long term for you
( just to have it investigated )
Tom, just to clarify matters, you are not "dating" this girl. You are speaking to her on the phone and it's somewhat different.

If her parents don't want you to contact her just comply with their wishes. They may have a valid reason for insisting on this. You don't say whether or not you have ever met her (for real, I mean, not "online"). If not I find it very difficult to understand how much you love her. Hopefully you'll look back on this and ask yourself the same question. If she rings you simply hang up.

Whilst it is not a criminal offence to speak to her (unless your conduct can be interpreted as "harrassment" and that seems unlikely from your description) it can only lead to aggravation. If you can try to get out and about a bit. You never know you might meet a real live girl !
NJ on the facts we dont know if he was dating her at some point in the past and is now ringing ....and that he is NOW in a completely different country

if it were telephonic only - it would be easy
dont ring her : wait for her to ring you .....
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no. You live in a completely diffrent country. The cops won't even do much of anything. My advice would be wait till shes 16 because then theres really nothing they can do.
Wouldn't it depend on the nature of the phone calls and Internet chat?

If they were of a sexually explicit nature then could he be questioned in connection to grooming?

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