The renewal of lease on my lovely little flat is up for renewal in, November. I received an email, from the estate agents today, asking me if I wanted to renew it. I do.
They are also charging me £120 for "admin." This has come as a bit of a shock as I live on a pension.
What would the affect be on my tenancy if I refused to pay this?
Even if you pay rent direct to the owner many private owners use a letting agent (often part of estate agents) to manage their admin for them. Contacting the owner is a good idea.
The Estate Agent will be 'managing' your property for the private landlord. Although the 'admin' consists of pressing a few buttons on a computer it is usual to charge for a Tenancy renewal. The landlord probably has to pay them too so its a win win situation as usual for the Estate Agents!
The only contact I've had is with the owner's nephew, who I am meant to call if something goes wrong. I think I'll get in touch with him. All the estate agents want is my signature, and they want £120 for sending out a letter. Daylight robbery, if you ask me.
I'm not sure how these things work Chrissa. If you have your landlords number it might be worth giving them a call. How long have you been in the flat?
If your rent is always on time and the flat is in order that makes you a good tenant. No landlord wants to lose that. I would talk to the owners chrissa...Good luck x
the owner sounds very hands off, which is prob why she has an agency acting for her. If she wants it to continue that way, she'll have to pay the £120 if she wnts to keep ou and you cant
Can't you just carry on living there without renewing and you will just be on a Rolling Tenancy (I forget the technical name)? Ask Citizens Advice or even better ask Shelter.
There is a going the rounds to stop these outrageous fees by letting agents. They are getting bigger and bigger and now charging for every little thing. I hope it succeeds.