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How Do I Prove I'm Not Guilty Of Section 18

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Susannn | 13:39 Tue 23rd May 2017 | Law
3 Answers
So my partner and I went to visit his sisters for a, what was meant to be a social drink. By 10 pm his sister was up to her usual spiteful tricks and started bringing up how much he loved a previous ex. Me and his sister ended up arguing and my partner broke my bag from pulling me that hard to stop me from leaving but I managed to get out. Now his sister has said I stood up with my glass and smashed it in her face. She's got a clean strait cut down the side of her face and has cut her own face plenty of times and she also has bipolar. She had been drinking and sniffing cocaine as we all where shamefully. She also told me she had not had any medication for her bipolar for 2 days. My drunken drugged up partner gave a statement against me at first, then retracted it a week later saying he was lying and he never saw me hit her with my glass. I have now been charged with section 18!!? I have no previous for any kind of violance. What's likely to happen ?


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You need a lawyer URGENTLY !!
GBH S18 is ALWAYS a prison sentence.
You MUST get a lawyer to present a defence for you , we can't do it from here you must get a lawyer!
what Eddie said.

Bear in mind you don't have to prove you're innocent, they have to prove you're guilty. Having cocaine won't help your cause, unfortunately, but it won't help hers either.

When it's over, get yourself a new partner.
I really must urge you to get a solicitor ASAP!
GBH S18 really is VERY serious, the police do not bring such a charge without good reason. As I said, if you are found guilty to S18 you ARE going to prison! You HAVE to get a solicitor !!!

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How Do I Prove I'm Not Guilty Of Section 18

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