They have plead guilty to the charges in court and are now awaiting sentencing. Could I one off contact them to have their belongings collected from me?
Your contacting them is not a problem. There are no restrictions imposed on you. On the other hand them contacting you most certainly is. So if you expect a response you must be expecting them to break their bail conditions - not a good idea. If you know who their solicitors are contact them to see if they can arrange something.
go up to him and say Hi X what about Y
and X says "what Y den yeah ?"
and you go off to your local nick and say he has contacted you
you heard it over the grapevine
and it REALLY does work !
[ and thousands of police stream out on overtime (yeah!) to hunt down and arrest X who is probably in his local pub getting possed and arrest him for him to be bailed a few days later. Onlookers regard it as an appalling waste of tazpayers money]
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Can I Contact Someone Who Has Bail Conditions Not To Contact Me?