Our neighbour owns the land on which there is a right of way for 3 properties of which ours is one. Our deeds say that our 2 neighbours are responsible for the repairs of a right of way shared between the 3 properties does that mean we have no liability in law. It is a long lane and when we bought the property we asked if we were responsible and were told no but we may beasked to contribute at a later date I wondered if there was some law that said we are liable, because the owner of the land has intimated that it needs repair (which it does) and asked if we would share the cost as the man in the other property is 90 and although not short of money has refused to pay as at his age he will not get the benefit.
there would have to be mention of the duty to maintain on your lease.land transfer document
I was showing interest in a flat but I heard that Flat 1 the original owners were not responsible for the roof but Flat 2 and 3 were. I had no doubt this was enforceable and my interest ceased....
'has refused to pay as at his age he will not get the benefit.' He's had the benefit of its use. Its possibly partly through his use that it needs repair. I wouldn't get dragged in personally.