Work Related Stress in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Work Related Stress

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breadstick | 12:45 Wed 20th Feb 2019 | ChatterBank
3 Answers

The office in which I work has become intolerable due to excessive workload and employees who have left not being replaced, management won't listen and morale is rock bottom
The others in the office are planning on going off sick with stress and this is something I have never done but I don't want to be left on my own when it hits the fan
I have been on anti depressants myself for years and suffer from stress related headaches but I have never been off sick with my mental health
Should I go off too? I don't want to get in trouble with management but things are really dreadful in work and I'm not sure who to talk to
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If your doctor says you are not fit for work, nothing your employer can do.
Work is a large part of our life and it's important to do a job you enjoy or can at least tolerate, not one that makes you miserable. I would start to look for an employer and role where you would feel valued. In the meantime you could go and see your doctor and see if he/she signgs you off or can help, but of course while you are off sick it may not be easy to find another job to help you in the longer term
I think if they are planning to fake illness, which is what it sounds like, you should have nothing to do with it. If you feel unwell then talk to your doctor.

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