Quizzes & Puzzles72 mins ago
Work Uniform
17 Answers
We have been issued with new uniforms but the ladies shirts and blouses are see through, is this acceptable?
I am assuming that the mens uniforms also include see through shirts. This really is unacceptable and if that was me I would be on the phone to my union. You should not have to wear particular underwear to make the uniform inflicted on you decent. Hopefully the men won't be too thrilled at being made to look daft as well. Of course if they don't have a see through shirt to wear then there is even more reason to complain.
the issue with the suggestions provided is, they are differing from the uniform, and, at principle, the uniform as it is, is not appropriate. Also, it may not be all seasonal appropriate, IE in the summer it may be too hot.
In adequate work clothing.. mm this i all i can find that can help
https:/ /assets .publis hing.se rvice.g ov.uk/g overnme nt/uplo ads/sys tem/upl oads/at tachmen t_data/ file/70 9535/dr ess-cod e-guida nce-may 2018-2. pdf
In adequate work clothing.. mm this i all i can find that can help
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when you say see thru do you mean like this? Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation or just cheap ad nasty? what do you actually do?