One needs to examine what one truly believes in and have the integrity to prioritise it. Is the protest worth causing possible career difficulties with, or not ? Work out how likely any created issues are, how serious the consequences, and then do as one thinks is right and practical. We all have to live with ourselves.
Tbh it’s hard to think of any protest that would harm an accountant. But remember most professions pride themselves on non-discrimination, so any protest against, say, Muslims wouldn’t go down well, and the same might be true of rallies for political parties that preach any kind of discrimination.
I think it depends on the protest and what you mean by affecting the profession.....I mean you (one) might not get struck off, but I could imagine that an accountancy firm might not want to be associated with someone who went to an "Eat the Rich" protest, or with any kind of Brexit protest in support of either side for instance.....if the firm deals with farmers, then protests against eating meat might not go down well and so on. As for should it......well if its going to prevent you from doing the work that you are employed for then I think yes it should.
do you have an example
as ever
it depends on the profession and the issue and the protest -
Abortion surprisingly, has an exemption in the Act - no one need take part if they have religious objections
so a protest may well be allowed
didnt a doctor allow hismelf to be water-boarded ( average time before giving in is less than 60 s I am sure Baldric will confirm) outside congress during torture hearings?
there was also one who cannulated himself for force feeding yup outside congress again
I also think it depends if you say you are a doctor
and again what you say
I am a doctor and the GMC says the army is murdering little babies in Yemen - may get you into trouble
It's professional to do the job at hand. If your job consists of protesting, then do so. If not, then don't. It's more professional to "strike" as part of a union, rather than "protest".
You’re easily smart enough to step away from any scenes of battle. I don’t think a protest against discrimination would be controversial at all. (Highly honourable, I would have said.) Go for it.