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Am I Mad ?

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brionon | 11:41 Thu 01st Dec 2005 | News
11 Answers
Chef Cuthbert Flavien, 45, of Bow, east London, was found guilty of one rape, two attempted rapes, two sex assaults, one of actual bodily harm and burglary.

Judge Simon Wilkinson ordered that he should serve a minimum of nine years.
This man was given 3 life sentences and must serve a minimum of 9 years. His victims were over 70 years old. Who is mad here ?
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The sentences for specific crimes are decided in advance, and judges sentence according to the offence. Although the minimum nine years sounds ludicrous in view of the offences committed, it does not guarentee that the defendent will be released after that time - it's more or less a 'rubber stamp' to get the prison term started. Obviously after nine years the evidence will be reviewed, and a good few more years tacked on.
Unfortunately brionon rape has never been taken seriously in this country, if you find the above annoying you probably shouldn't click on this link.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/child/story/0,7369,1035303,00. html

just read your link, cos im just nosey basically!

Kev i personally think someone like that should be shot!! end of..if a dangerous dog maims and disfigures a child it is put down, i dont see the difference

I would say to be carefull about believing what you read in the press without checking the details.

That case of James Taylor that you linked to was quite notorious.

The crown appealed and whilst the sentence was increased it was only to 8 years. The appeal judges heavilly criticised the press who had mis-reported in a number of areas especially things like the victims age.

All that on one side there is a feeling that a lot of people seem to have that rape sentences should be more severe and it's a totally valid opinion to hold.

However you have to ask yourself if that were to happen would we see an increase in murdered rape victims?

You can say that such a question stinks of apeasment, and it does, but it is still needs answering.

Quibb, I think the difference is that this is a human being, not a lowly animal.
I don't see how anyone who rapes a little baby can be classed as human.

Jake - the - peg.

With all due respect - I would suggest the press in the case mentioned would have checked the details before we read them.I dont personally think the relevance of the childs age is appropriate -' misquoted' or not.

The perpetrator is a heinoious monster but you can bet he WILL be rotting in jail along with likes who get their 'thrills' from raping anyone - men or women.

As for your Q brionon - yes we are all mad because we now just accept the sentences handed out instead of lobbying our MP's and in the case od Scotland writing to the Lord Advocate.We cant change the law but we can cause perhaps a bit of nuisance and debate.

The fact that he is a 'human being' not a 'lowly animal' makes it far far worse. The 'lowly animal' acting on conditioning and instinct, the 'human being' acting either on want, against society or being psychotic. Surely.
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What amazed me was that 3 life sentences can boil don to 9 years. I don't say it will -but it can.

Really wish I hadn't read Kev100's link as I now feel sick to my stomach.

I would love half an hour alone in a room with that lowlife scum.

From reading that report kev it makes you wonder where they get these so called experts from. He'll be out in 5 and when he does it again, which he probably will, whos gonna get the blame, not the twit of a psychologist I bet.

I think that if he reaffends then the expert should be made accountable as well and justly sued. If they do it again they end up inside for life.

Here here Englishbird. Animals do what they do out of instinct. as a civilized humans we should know better.

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