Quizzes & Puzzles3 mins ago
Don't Panic ! Pannick Report Here
56 Answers
Hi readers
have you read in Toytown news, - Noddy the know-all
that Boris, blessed pure unsullied soul had hired Lord Pannick to
whitewash him?
You had? - but cdnt find the report?
well it is here
https:/ /assets .publis hing.se rvice.g ov.uk/g overnme nt/uplo ads/sys tem/upl oads/at tachmen t_data/ file/11 02126/J oint_Op inion_o f_Lord_ Pannick _QC_and _Jason_ Pobjoy_ 1.9.202 2_-_Com mittee_ of_Priv ileges_ -_Boris _Johnso n__Matt er_refe rred_on _21_Apr il_2022 _.pdf
read and enjoy - I have a few things to do before I settle down to it
oh, purists need a question, or else whine to Miss:
What do you think? - can you read this is more apt?
have you read in Toytown news, - Noddy the know-all
that Boris, blessed pure unsullied soul had hired Lord Pannick to
whitewash him?
You had? - but cdnt find the report?
well it is here
read and enjoy - I have a few things to do before I settle down to it
oh, purists need a question, or else whine to Miss:
What do you think? - can you read this is more apt?
I`d rather not download a pdf file from someone on AB but thanks anyway.
19:29 Fri 02nd Sep 2022
PP has it dead right, in his own inimitable style. And it really is inimitable!
Pannick has been paid £130,000 (of our money!) to make a fool of himself and provide just enough of a fig leaf to Boris that, when this committee does find that he misled parliament, will allow him to say, in his blustering and imitable style, that others see it differently wa-wa-wah.
Pannick has been paid £130,000 (of our money!) to make a fool of himself and provide just enough of a fig leaf to Boris that, when this committee does find that he misled parliament, will allow him to say, in his blustering and imitable style, that others see it differently wa-wa-wah.
Corby, as the lawyer has said in previous cases ‘intent’ was taken into account. The motion was passed in April. The committee changed the rule last month.
I really don’t understand why people don’t want to see fair play - even for those they dislike - but clearly they don’t. They rant on piously about all the wrongs Boris is supposed to have committed and yet they’ve no objection to acting dishonestly themselves if it gets tgen what they want. If I thought someone was being treated unfairly I would defend them whether I like them or not because that’s the right thing to do. Frankly, I’d rather be me.
I really don’t understand why people don’t want to see fair play - even for those they dislike - but clearly they don’t. They rant on piously about all the wrongs Boris is supposed to have committed and yet they’ve no objection to acting dishonestly themselves if it gets tgen what they want. If I thought someone was being treated unfairly I would defend them whether I like them or not because that’s the right thing to do. Frankly, I’d rather be me.
Frankly, I’d rather be me.
so would I.
darling darling - be you!
Not all tribunals are criminal - most arent
Fairness is all - but is not - "all the same." - One size does NOT fit all....
different tribunals have different rules. I regard this as obvious. GMC tribunal decisions arent precedent but the appeals to the high court are. similarly magistrates decisions are nt but the appeals to the High Court are....
Employment tribunals are adjusted because the employer always has the moolah to hire a lawyer and the un-unionised dismissed worker never has.
so the lawyer gets out his tribunal rule book and reads what the practice is for that tribunal - none of this is rocket science. I am surprised that Ld Pannick didnt take that into account. Perhaps for £100k they got the abridged version
so would I.
darling darling - be you!
Not all tribunals are criminal - most arent
Fairness is all - but is not - "all the same." - One size does NOT fit all....
different tribunals have different rules. I regard this as obvious. GMC tribunal decisions arent precedent but the appeals to the high court are. similarly magistrates decisions are nt but the appeals to the High Court are....
Employment tribunals are adjusted because the employer always has the moolah to hire a lawyer and the un-unionised dismissed worker never has.
so the lawyer gets out his tribunal rule book and reads what the practice is for that tribunal - none of this is rocket science. I am surprised that Ld Pannick didnt take that into account. Perhaps for £100k they got the abridged version
> I really don’t understand why people don’t want to see fair play
People do want to see fair play, not Boris wriggling out of yet another lie like he has his entire life.
People are playing fair. You may not like it, Boris may not like it, Boris may spend a lot of our money on a fig leaf for his lies ... but none of that means it's unfair.
People do want to see fair play, not Boris wriggling out of yet another lie like he has his entire life.
People are playing fair. You may not like it, Boris may not like it, Boris may spend a lot of our money on a fig leaf for his lies ... but none of that means it's unfair.
The, mostly irrelevant, distraction et impera show moves on...
https:/ /i1.wp. com/24. media.t umblr.c om/9ffe f0e8f01 73e3ae0 f0e0613 eab2453 /tumblr _n2nc27 vO7Z1r5 5d2io1_ 500.jpg
from the doc - -
Mr Johnson gives evidence, he should be told the detail of the case against him - charges and evidence -
which bit of " he lied when he said there were no parties. There were and he knew it" does bazza not understand.
a fair procedure also requires that
Mr Johnson should be able, through his counsel, to cross-examine any witness whose evidence is relied on
nope - doesnt occur in DBS process ( Disclosure and Barring Service) - all done on paper, and then someone gets to lose his job because " someone sitting on their bottoms in an office" thinks he should be on the sex register
( PF v DBS )
His Lordship does know things like this innit?
Mr Johnson gives evidence, he should be told the detail of the case against him - charges and evidence -
which bit of " he lied when he said there were no parties. There were and he knew it" does bazza not understand.
a fair procedure also requires that
Mr Johnson should be able, through his counsel, to cross-examine any witness whose evidence is relied on
nope - doesnt occur in DBS process ( Disclosure and Barring Service) - all done on paper, and then someone gets to lose his job because " someone sitting on their bottoms in an office" thinks he should be on the sex register
( PF v DBS )
His Lordship does know things like this innit?
His Lordship STARTS off with - contempt you need to show intent as before ( watch out or cave, circular argt coming up)
and then prays in aid ( good huh?)
It is therefore impossible to list every act which might be considered to amount to a contempt, as Parliamentary privilege is a 'living concept.'
well the living changing concept may involve - no contempt today boys. obvious possibility innit?
anyway read the rest yourselves
and then prays in aid ( good huh?)
It is therefore impossible to list every act which might be considered to amount to a contempt, as Parliamentary privilege is a 'living concept.'
well the living changing concept may involve - no contempt today boys. obvious possibility innit?
anyway read the rest yourselves
Gromit, //It’s pathetic asking for your own thread to be closed because you didn’t like the replies.//
See 10.24 here.
https:/ /www.th eanswer bank.co .uk/New s/Quest ion1808 954.htm l
/The only reason this enquiry is going ahead and moreover the only reason this cowboy 'committee' has bent the rules to ensure that 'intention' isn't considered, is to remove Boris from public life altogether. Not enough to remove him as PM - they want him out of parliament because his strength and determination scares the hell of out them./
Lol, still maintaining that detachment from reality.
He was removed for perpetually lying to public and colleagues alike.
They’re not scared, they know that his style of politics is toxic.
He’s a proven liar with major issues over truth and transparency.
He’s living proof that narcissism, a sense of entitlement and a belief that he is beyond reproach and accountable to no one is not what democracy is about, so try and desist from the lies and fabrication you’re making up about him.
He was removed by his own, they’d had enough of the charade.
He’s not fit for public service of any description .
Gromit, //It’s pathetic asking for your own thread to be closed because you didn’t like the replies.//
See 10.24 here.
/The only reason this enquiry is going ahead and moreover the only reason this cowboy 'committee' has bent the rules to ensure that 'intention' isn't considered, is to remove Boris from public life altogether. Not enough to remove him as PM - they want him out of parliament because his strength and determination scares the hell of out them./
Lol, still maintaining that detachment from reality.
He was removed for perpetually lying to public and colleagues alike.
They’re not scared, they know that his style of politics is toxic.
He’s a proven liar with major issues over truth and transparency.
He’s living proof that narcissism, a sense of entitlement and a belief that he is beyond reproach and accountable to no one is not what democracy is about, so try and desist from the lies and fabrication you’re making up about him.
He was removed by his own, they’d had enough of the charade.
He’s not fit for public service of any description .
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