P Going Through Red Traffic Light in The AnswerBank: Law
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P Going Through Red Traffic Light

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jw47 | 08:10 Fri 14th Apr 2023 | Law
5 Answers
I stopped at a red light at traffic lights but I don't know why because the road I was crossing was clear I began to turn right not noticing light was still at red. What happens now, I feel really cross with myself as I have been driving since 1984 and this is my first incident.
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If there was no camera on the lights, and no official saw you, you may well escape sanction.

If you have not received a letter after a few weeks, assume you were lucky thus time.
Possibly nothing will happen, it depends on whether you was caught on camera or not. If you was you will get a Notice of Intended Prosecution delivered within 14 days so that you can name the driver.
The penalty is usually £100 fine and three penalty points
Unless there was a camera you'll be fine. There is an outside chance of someone with dashcam footage dobbing you in but that's pretty rare. I reckon you'll be fine, don't sweat it.
If you do get a Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP) you will also receive a "Request for Driver's Details". This is a different document (though often printed on the same piece of paper as the NIP) subject to different rules. You must complete this within the 28 days allowed, naming yourself as the driver. Failure to do so will see you commit a separate offence which, on conviction, carries a hefty fine, six points and an insurance crippling endorsement code (MS90) which will see your premiums rocket for up to five years.
No one should have a p while going through the red light. Best if someone else takes it.

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