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Babysitting - How Times Have Changed

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barry1010 | 22:50 Sun 26th Nov 2023 | ChatterBank
11 Answers

Just seen an advert looking for a babysitter one evening a week for three hours.  Very specific requirements including DBS check.

When my sisters were 14/15/16 they used to earn pocket money babysitting, often responding to adverts in the newsagents window.

My parents thought nothing of them babysitting in strangers' homes and the babies parents didn't seem too particular.

We were fortunate to have family willing to babysit as needed so never had to advertise.

My question is, did you babysit for strangers when you were a teen? Or were you so laid back with your own children?



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A friend and I used to babysit on a fairly regular basis when we were in our teens, but only for her older cousin's children.

The only babysitter I had for my children was my Mum.

What age did the ad say the babysitters had to be?

people never seemed to go out much when I was a teen, so sitters weren't much used and I wasn't one. On the very rare occasions my parents went anywhere they called in a cousin who was a teen.

We didn't use them much as parents ourselves, and used local recommendations when we did. Or once or twice the local pool of Australians, who were always good.

But if it's to be a regular thing like one shift a week, perhaps  it feels more like a (very) part-time job and people want to arrange it more formally?

My pal and I used to babysit for a handful of people.  I don't think that we actually knew the people.

I think we advertised in the local paper.

Even volunteering in a charity shop needs vetting.

I know our taxi drivers are all checked out but the Ubereats drivers aren't.  We don't have Uber taxis.

was that you two together or separately, wolf?

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No age specified, wolf.


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Those newsagents windows ads were a fascinating reflection of local life.

Surprising number of French teachers, ladies offering one to one tuition, satisfaction guaranteed.

Baby say for a couple of teacher once, their children 2ish, neighbours daughter about 6 going on 16, and very very pregnant dog.  They spent five minutes telling me about the kids and half an hour making sure I knew what to do with the pointer.    Kids were great.... 

I used to babysit, but only for people I knew - usually my mum's boss. Didn't use babysitters much for my own children and then it would be my mum, mil or sister. My daughter and her friends have a reciprocal arrangement.

Only ever used my Mum as a babysitter, which wasn't often.  She was out and about more than we were!   When I see all these grannies that look after their grandchildren whilst their children work I'm very glad my son and wife dont have kids!  I could never do that!   I would never use teenage babysitters or anyone who wasn't a good friend.  My Mum was the only relation we had who lived in Norfolk.  

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