Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Ground Rent
I bought my bunglow in October 1999 but I have never received a demand for ground rent. What is my position.
You can check the position online at the Land Registry for £3. It is the Title Register you need to download https:/
^^^ There's a cheaper way to find out if your property is freehold or leasehold. (Only the owners of leasehold properties pay ground rent).
Simply carry out a web search for 'house prices' together with your post code. Then click on the Rightmove link that you're offered. All house prices in your postcode area, for sales from 1995 onwards, will be shown, together with an indication of whether the properties are owned freehold or leashold. (The information is sourced from the Land Registry's database, so it's just as accurate as using the Land Registry's own website).
While nearly all flats are sold on a leashold basis, only 7% of houses (including bungalows) are. So it's far more likely that you own the freehold on your home, rather than just the leasehold.
There is a huge amount of case law on ground rent as it was a source of income 200 y ago.
The seller should have disclosed this when you bought, and indemnified you for 6 y back rent
You are only liable for 6 y back rent and then in single payments in arrears. I pay £25 every six months. They can ASK but not demand ground rent in advance or double in advance evry year. Yes they tried.
scribble scribble scribble - all this should be somewhere in the paper deeds you have
I don't see any mention of GR on these bungalows.