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Charles659 | 15:13 Thu 04th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
9 Answers

Not the easiest to describe, sorry. 

The words JAN FEB APR MAY with a space where MAR should be. In the space where MAR is missing there are little lines radiating out in an oval shape as if to suggest the MAR has disappeared. 

Any help appreciated.  Will post answer tomorrow. Cheers. 



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steal a march on??
15:17 Thu 04th Jul 2024

Spiders from Mars?

steal a march on??

Ides of march

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Thanks guys and sorry for the duplication. Think me and Deb/Ian posted at pretty much the same time.  Will post answer tomorrow but if I was a betting man I would go for "steal a match" 😂😂

It could simply be "march off"

Sounds like the oval is a switch being turned 'on', so I think Elliemay is right with 

Steal a March on

Mars Bar.

Question Author

You were right EllieMay.  "Steal a march on". 👍

Thanks, Charles

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