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I can't believe what I think I just saw.  It wasn't easy to follow, but - but - -----   I hope it is only in America and please God it doesn't happen any more there.

I've a horrible feeling it happens all over the world.

Any chance it is a set-up to sensationalise?

Did the police officer think the victim posed a threat to him?

Difficult to understand what we're seeing.

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well the plod has been charged with 1st Degree murder so I'd say not.

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real the link sandy, it covers it in detail.

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Could never happen here. 

There's no chance of armed police (or the unarmed variety, for that matter) turning up following the report of a burglary.

Sorry...but what a ***...

I hope he rots in jail. Most horrific thing I've read in a while. I can't even look at the footage.

Would you even bother calling the cops in America?, especially if you're black.

You'd be safer fighting it out with the intruder.

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Call Plod About A Burglary...and Get Shot In The Head!

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