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Kent - Soldier Stabbed

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naomi24 | 13:11 Wed 24th Jul 2024 | News
3 Answers

//A “number of knives” have been recovered after a soldier was left fighting for his life following an attack outside an army base, police said.

The victim, understood to be wearing full uniform, was set upon by a man wearing a ski mask and armed with two blades.

A 24-year-old man, who fled the scene on a motorbike, remains in custody following his arrest, the force said.

They have not ruled out terrorism as a motive but cited mental health issues as a possible explanation, //



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Not terrorist related, according to Home Office? 

Any description of the knifeman?  Seems to be pixelated out everywhere for some reason. And his religion?  I bet they know it.

The only good thing about going the Mental Health route is it gives the opportunity for real life 'imprisonment'.

Lets face it though, anyone who murders (or attempts) people like that aint right in the noggin so its not much of an excuse.

Mental health my rrrrrrrrr's

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