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douglas9401 | 08:23 Thu 25th Jul 2024 | News
2 Answers

Wales looks set to continue the experiment of installing a charismatic female as leader, replacing a mere man found to be lacking the right stuff.

She'd be well warned to check down the back of the sofa for any odd bundles of cash and to resist overtures from dealers in large leisure vehicle for the duration.

She might also want to work on her regular need to apologise nd be less of 'a disruptor' if she's to steer the principality out of it's troubles.

She won't of course because that's not how devolved politicians roll.



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I wish her every success- but as a Labour politician think that she owes it to the people to get her sleeves roled up and turn around the disaster that is the NHS in Wales.

I doubt that, she was  Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care prior!

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