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Cctv Legalited

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barry1010 | 21:01 Tue 30th Jul 2024 | Law
4 Answers

I have CCTV all around my house and gardens.  They only record images up to my boundaries and only record when motion is detected on my property.

My friends live on a narrowboat and what to install indoor and outdoor cameras but of course they will record the public towpath and other boats.

Is this legal?











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Apologies for typos 

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Thanks, Buen. It is interesting because of course their cameras are fixed to their home but their moves 

yes it is legal

the good bit

The use of recording equipment, such as CCTV or smart door bells, to capture video or sound recordings outside the user’s property boundary is not a breach of data protection law.  

from Chris' URL - I was amazed when that changed, but there were soooooo many complaints about over lap, that the ICO said:

"I know, we will make it lawful!"

and they did !

so your frenz just let  it rip. No-one can really complain if they gonna roar off at 3 mph

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