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Sunday Express Skeleton 4Th August 2024

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Frustrate | 07:29 Tue 06th Aug 2024 | Crosswords
16 Answers

Many thanks for your help so far, but stuck on a couple more.

18a On reflection, it's progressive. (Hyphenated) 13 letters ??????t??????

13d Pick up king closer to queen. 5 letters ?????

19a One starts to notice this river. 6 letters ?e?e?t

16d Bulb illuminates crown in something not done up. 5 letters ????n

14a Issues Andean local faces on a mountain 6 letters ??l?t?

Sorry it's so many this week. Hope you can help folks. Frustrate 



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16d onion

13d grasp

13 learn

king GR + ASP killed Cleopatra

learn is correcy tho'

I'll get me coat

14a Allots  ?

19a solent ?

18a forward-thinking (I cheated!)

18a forward- thinking

spoiler - has started giving answers for the skeleton.

13d - I prefer Lear N

Forward-thinking is 15 letters though, not 13.

Question Author

Many thanks again. Will try to finish it now. Frustrate 


14a Issues Andean local faces on a mountain 6 letters ??l?t?

I don't get why it's ALLOTS. I don't get the mountain reference.

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Sunday Express Skeleton 4Th August 2024

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