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Council Tax Bands.

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piggynose | 15:12 Fri 16th Aug 2024 | Law
12 Answers

why would BCC delete my council tax band?

I tried to run a check on my band but couldn´t when it said it was deleted!!



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I'm lost! 'BCC' only means 'blind carbon copy' to me but I'm guessing that it means something like 'Birmingham City Council' to you.Which website are you using?  Is it the relevant council's own website or this one (which works fine for me)?:
01:50 Sat 17th Aug 2024

Perhaps they plan to use house valuation rather than bands next time ?

Strange I wonder if there must be an error with the postcode if it is postcode search? If so have you tried the 'search by other methods' option?

If you have the property reference number from a bill you can use the search filters to search by that instead.

That is a puzzle.  Have you looked to see if your neighbour's address throws up the same result?

I'm lost! 

'BCC' only means 'blind carbon copy' to me but I'm guessing that it means something like 'Birmingham City Council' to you.

Which website are you using?  Is it the relevant council's own website or this one (which works fine for me)?:

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Thanx Chris.

Now I know my band, how do I find out how much the Council tax is?


Assuming you are in Birmingham the charges for each band are listed here

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Thanks Barry!

Correct me If I'm wrong but aren't there different charges for houses and flats? Surely it's not 1 size fits all for band b for example.

if it's B it's B - doesn't matter what style of property it is

Dave is correct. Some flats are bigger and much more expensive than some houses.

It is how much the property was worth on 1st April 1991 (in England) that counts, not the type of home.

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08.13 barry, the reverse is also true some or many flats are smaller than some or many houses.  

Yes, the smallest properties in the least desirable area (in 1991) will be Band A whether it's a house, flat, maisonette, bungalow, residential chalet/lodge....

My last post isn't strictly true, although it often is. As said, it's the value at 1991 that counts.

If a property has been improved since 1991 by adding an ensuite, an extension, loft of garage conversion etc it will probably be in a higher council tax bracket than it's originally identical meighbour when it is sold.

My house is in that position now.  I extended it and added ensuites years ago. It is still in the original council tax band but there is a marker on the register indicate it will be in a higher band when sold



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