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Law Change + Knife Amnesty.....

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ToraToraTora | 13:20 Mon 26th Aug 2024 | News
27 Answers

It seems a bit unclear. I have a "Rambo" knife from the 80s and I have an ornamental Samuria sword. The latter is on a stand for decoration and the former is a survival knife I used to use a lot camping and climbing etc. Do I have to give those in?



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If you're a man of good character and don't carry them about with you when you're on the booze, I can't see why you should.

stupid bleddy system - delete the semicolon and any gaps back to the "f" in pdf....

Apparently this is the definition of a ‘Zombie’ knife:-


'Any bladed weapon over eight inches in length with a plain cutting edge and sharp pointed end that also has either a serrated cutting edge, more than one hole in the blade, or multiple sharp points like spikes.’

I have small (3" blade) lock knife that I used when camping in the 80s. Presumably if I took it out the house without having an express "legitimate" purpose I would be breaking the law?

Presumably ‘zombie’ knife manufactures will circumvent this rule/law by producing long knives with double serrated edges, with one hole in the blade and only one sharp point.

I think oldies who don't have a rampage left in them are exempt.

As an aside, does the sword sit below the Green Lady picture?

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Green Lady?

.I have small (3" blade) lock knife that I used when camping in the 80s.

I know you love knocking me Dave B .,but one of your number ( no names, no  names) said I was a demon googler (( extensive Greek vocab which I maintain in my memory )

from the internet:

A bladed article is an object which has a blade or sharply pointed, however, there are some exceptions. A folded pocketknife will not be considered a bladed article is the blade is 3 inches or less.

altho hill walking yes and taking one to Trafalgar Sq., I wd say was madness

Righto, Tora. 😂

I have a Leatherman multi tool in a natty wee pouch, should I await a knock at the door?

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this is not about pocket knives they are fine if the blade is under 3 inches and does not lock. They can be carried. The new law is just about even owning these "zombie" knives even if they never leave the house.


As an aside, does the sword sit below the Green Lady picture?

Green Leddy  - Green Lady - Tretchikov - no googling, no  names). Sarf Efrican engraver who sold ( signed) copies of African leddies with rings in their necks ( and  Zulus)

and then  the chinese afro lady with a tinge of Green was a zapowee big seller.

Bigger even than the competing prints of small children peeing into canals

Came up on the art market a few years ago

My father who had a Green Lady was asked if he had commissioned it as a portrait of my sister. - er it was a print, and he hadnt.

I think Samurai swords are exempt so long as they are on the wall

I have a Wenger Swiss Army knife with a blade length of 2.5 inches.  It's used now as a key fob.

It's good to know I'm not breaking the law by carrying it.

I swear Davebro mentioned a 3" knife

I have small (3" blade) lock knife that I used when camping in the 80s.

but you know I  cd be wrong - [ or as happens so often, I am right but a mod says I am  talking a load of old crap]

I was under the impression that lock knives were an issue anyway.


"Lock knives are not classed as folding knives and are illegal to carry in public without good reason. Lock knives: have blades that can be locked and refolded only by pressing a button. can include multi-tool knives - tools that also contain other devices such as a screwdriver or can opener."

I have a WW1 sword inherited from my stepfather - is that legal still ?


I surrendered a WW1 pistol to the police over 50 years ago during an amnesty.  After signing it in the PC said,"I know a guy who would give a lot of money for this".  Small wonder they were called pigs in those days.

That's it then, I'm on the lam, you won't get me coppah.

I don't know - but I've been suspicious of laws like this since I was a kid, when the police visited and removed an old rifle that my dad kept on the wall for decoration.  Lead had been poured down the barrel to make it unusable!  It was so old that it had  been used in the Crimea by my Gt.-Gt.-Grandad - or so the family believed.  

Anyway, someone must have visited or looked through the window and reported it.

Also an acquaintance was threatened with the police for producing a fruit knife to peel an apple for her old mum - they were having a sit down at a railway station. 

This 'amnesty' and law won't reach the people they need to reach.  Almost pointless, except that some nasty weapons will be handed in.

Most cutlery drawers, or knife blocks, hold implements that could be put to bad use in the wrong hands.

I don't think the big knives are the problem.

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