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This Ulster Loyalist Was Arrested On Returning Belfast After A 6 Holiday In Alicante.

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sandyRoe | 19:22 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | News
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There may be harsher sentences for the same offence in England.

Er, the murderer was a young protestant boy.  
So was he urging a retaliation against protestants?    
Or was he completely thick and attacking muslims?    
Either way, he is an idiot and should be ashamed of himself.    
But obvioysly won't be, probably get re-elected by morons next time.

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He is what is known as 'a community leader'.  Not elected but a man of influence among loyalist paramilitaries.

So a nobody.   
Let the idiot fade into obscurity.

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He's one of a number of people who can call rioters onto the streets when it suits them.

He will be a follower of Yaxley-Lennon. A son of an immigrant to England, hence the need to change his name to Robinson.  
Tommy Robinson was the main disseminator or fake news that day - that the Southport muder was a muslim. Recently arrived in the UK on a dinghey, and was an asylum seeker.  Robinson told this idiot that the police were deliberatly with-holding that false information, and encouraged the riots.   
Sadly lots of AB extremists are under the spell of the convicted football hooligan, so there will be a wimpy repost from the criminality supporters.

Just another arrest for posting.  Common enough these days. Does Ulster have enough gaol space ?

OG, did you nut read  // He's one of a number of people who can call rioters onto the streets when it suits them. // or did you just conveniently ignore it.  
Lots of innocent police officers were attacked that night.    
You seem to accept that as OK?

Probably get a longer sentence than the Irish nationalists who assassinated Lyra McKee.

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The heading should have read: A six week holiday.

Nice for a chap who has no visible means of support.


Luckily, Gromit, I'm capable of separating an individual poster's opinion from the details given in the article.

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This Ulster Loyalist Was Arrested On Returning Belfast After A 6 Holiday In Alicante.

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