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How Helpful Has Ab Been To You Since Joining

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nailedit | 19:27 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
23 Answers

Have to admit to being really grateful for the support Ive had on here over the years when ive been going through the mill, the tech advice when when having tech issues (becuse im a tech thickie) law advice, etc.

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Plus I love the banter and hissie fits 😂

I was lost but now am found.

A curate's egg.

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All of humanity is found on here 🤣

Very helpful in many ways, both practically and with support when things haven't been easy.

There are a lot of good people here

It helps to pass the time 

there has never been a complaint about the Law section - we thought because no one ever took the advice

Probably the same for Body and Soul - if Sqad's advice didnt work, you would go and see a doctor


......and not-at-all.

Often in the same thread!! 😁

Most helpful with a bit of Cooking and a few Tech stuff, but mostly during the seventeen years as a member I've come across a very eclectic bunch most of whom I found to be lovely.

I won't mention the other sort.

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//if Sqad's advice didnt work, you would go and see a doctor//


Must admit PP, as much as I respected Sqad as a contributer to AB I didn't rate him as a medic. We crossed posts some years ago where he revealed that he was once a prison doctor in Walton jail at the same time that I was there on the health care wing. (1998). I am sure that he was the GP that other inmates called the ventriloquist because his lips hardly ever moved. And his mantra was 'lets see how it goes....

Whatever now, RIP sqad.

Maybe a tiny bit when I've specifically asked questions on Tech or household issues. I have never really chosen to divulge personal problems on here so haven't experienced much of the amazing emotional support that I know AB is good at, call me cynical but I never know how genuine the de rigeur sympathy posts really are.

Occasionally useful, sometimes disappointing and unnecessary replies, but I rarely mention my private life or family issues, of which there are plenty, I can tell you that much!

Helpful for specific tech or how it works questions and the rest, entertaining or irritating.

I'm pretty sure that wouldn't have been Sqad nailedit, he said on that thread that he worked as a GP in Walton to earn some extra cash while he studied towards his surgery exams. He was 66 years old in 1998. A consultant ENT surgeon at the time and quite close to retirement.

Mostly fine. A useful site to know.

My first approach was born of desperate medical need for advice and Sqad was wonderful - then followed by lots of good advice.

As davidsmall (I think) said, a bit of a curate's egg - but in general I have received good advice when I've asked for it - and quite a lot of encouragement.  There's also been some nastiness, but on balance I learn a lot here.

It's been very helpful at times, like today when I had a broadband speed question. When I first joined I was into newspaper competitions and ABers often came to my rescue, The downside, especially now, are the political bores on here. So many just trying to force their strange views on the rest of us. Reminds me of being down the local years ago, with one of the regulars at the bar spouting claptrap to the rest of us about which ever party was in power at the time!

But overall I agree with 'david small', AB is like the curate's egg!


It is just like the local pub, but it's easier to avoid the bores and oddbods

Absolutely brilliant for me when I had to go into Guy's Hospital to be checked for lung cancer.  So many lovely messages of support from loads of people all started by Naomi.  Such a help at the time and after.

I rely on AB a lot -for help with health, crosswords, techie stuff, domestic issues - not personal things.  But mainly for company and  - because i am old and virtually  ĥousebound and live on my own - it helps me enormously to feel involved in the world.

That is invaluable to me x

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