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Help Needed With Removing Password Completely

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mjulian | 20:26 Sun 06th Oct 2024 | Technology
8 Answers

Can anyone help me please?   A few weeks ago I was hacked and had to change my passwords.   I deleted the relevant password from the password vault and when asked I saved the new one.    However, my system still picks up the old one every time!   I have deleted the new one and saved it a 2nd time but the old one still appears.   I've checked the vault and it is correct there.   Where else can I check to get rid of the old password please?!   Many thanks to anyone who can assist me.  



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Which device? 

Which browser? 

What's the 'password vault' a part of?  (I've not got anything called that on my PC).

Question Author

It's a laptop.   Internet c/o BT and the vault is provided by Norton backed up by BT.

I suspect that the old password is being stored by your browser, rather than in the vault.  So which browser are you using?  (Edge? Chrome? Firefox? Something else?)

Clear your history and cache. 

Your laptop is remembering the old password. 

This may help.'ve%20got%20too%20many%20passwords%20stored%20in%20your%20browser,

Question Author

Togo and everyone - thank you so much for your help.   I've been to places on my laptop I never knew existed!   I've done what you suggested and, miraculously, it worked.   I can't thank ylu enough - have been struggling with this since I was hacked.

Nice work. It is good to familiarise yourself with the settings menu. 👍

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Help Needed With Removing Password Completely

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