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smurfchops | 12:41 Mon 02nd Dec 2024 | Law
9 Answers

My parents died over 12 years ago and l still have all the paperwork from solicitors, including Wills, probate, etc.  Do I need to keep all this or can I shred it?  Thanks all.



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Thanks Barry

If you keep it, you will never need it. If you shred it, you will be asked to show it, probably on the very day that follows the shredding. That's Murphy's Law. If you have somewhere to keep all that paperwork, file it away and forget about it.

I wonder if the need to retain probate document continues after the death of the person who holds them. So for example if you were to die tomorrow would your dependants also be expected to keep probate and related documents from your parents' death as well as your records.

No, only the executor or his representative is required to keep them

So my brother has all dad's probate stuff.

We were joint executors, if he dies before me do I have try find this stuff from his mountain of things left behind. Because of COVID we had someone do all the work needed.


we had questions about transfer of land between my parents in 1964, when my mother died in 1995

and it is grab grab grab by the taxman if you cant show your side of it

My Mother died 12 years ago and as Executor I arranged Probate etc., and I still have all the documentation. It takes up very little room and I see no need to rush to destroy it.


Hope you don't mind me asking, how long did the probate situation go on for? 

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