Film, Media & TV1 min ago
Speed Camera Detectors
16 Answers
Ok, so I have a rather fast car on its way to me and I want to invest in a speed camera detector of some sorts.
I'm not, in all honesty, bothered if its legal or not. I'd much prefer to take that chance than lose my license to points.
I know what people will say.....just slow down, don't drive as fast....but we all get caught out. I know a 70 year old that was done for speeding and he doesn't even know whether his car can go over 29 or not.
So, your help is required. I know the Snooper detectors are good.
Perhaps the guy with the Porsche can help?????
I'm not, in all honesty, bothered if its legal or not. I'd much prefer to take that chance than lose my license to points.
I know what people will say.....just slow down, don't drive as fast....but we all get caught out. I know a 70 year old that was done for speeding and he doesn't even know whether his car can go over 29 or not.
So, your help is required. I know the Snooper detectors are good.
Perhaps the guy with the Porsche can help?????
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.i dont have one in the porsche,but i do have one in my voyager,its a road pilot and its very good,they are the smallest one going and are run on gps system which is 100 % legal,i bought it off ebay,road angel are good and snoopers,but they are quite biggish,ok good luck spartacus,what car are you getting.
As Norman has said, I would suggest a Road Angel, this is linked to GPS and should be very accurate if you update the info in it regularly. The so called radar detector part of it, like all the others, is rather less use, by the time the thing sounds off to warn you you have been zapped, its too late to do anything about it, I leave mine in the box and just use the main, camera predicting, componant. I also bought mine from Ebay for about two thirds the normal price. And a quick note to veryhelpfulguy, the fact that ten people a day are killed on English roads (if it is indeed a fact), does not actually mean that their deaths can be attributed to excess speed. In fact excess speed is only the sixth most common cause of road fatalities.
Perhaps thoughtless P****s like you ought to just drive at a reasonable speed limit.....i.e the legal one.
People like you would be the first to complain if somebody broke into you beloved "porshe" or keyed the paintwork off of your bmw.....however it is still illegal....
double standards i ask?
the speed limit is there for a rason, and people that dont respect that are pure fools....
how about asking a family how to get such a gadget after their son or daughter are involved in a accident with a speeding P***k.
People like you would be the first to complain if somebody broke into you beloved "porshe" or keyed the paintwork off of your bmw.....however it is still illegal....
double standards i ask?
the speed limit is there for a rason, and people that dont respect that are pure fools....
how about asking a family how to get such a gadget after their son or daughter are involved in a accident with a speeding P***k.
its irrelevant norman, the only POSSIBLE reason for wanting a speed camera detector is for intention to speed....and speeding is illegal, and something i feel strongly about.....
Does anyone know where i can find a breath mint that will allow me to fool a breathlyser test for being drunk? (just a incidental question i need an answer to)
oh and a dna distorter to allow me to kill people and get away with it...
Does anyone know where i can find a breath mint that will allow me to fool a breathlyser test for being drunk? (just a incidental question i need an answer to)
oh and a dna distorter to allow me to kill people and get away with it...
We can all rave about the laws and the wrongs and rights of speeding....But at the end of the day if you can't slow down in time for a change in the speed limit or a speed camera then the car is controlling you and not the other way around.
You have effectively "lost control".
Once you lose control of a car then your ability to regain it again is seriously affected.
Drive to the best of your ability and don't go over the top.
If you look that bit further ahead then there should be no problems at all.
You have effectively "lost control".
Once you lose control of a car then your ability to regain it again is seriously affected.
Drive to the best of your ability and don't go over the top.
If you look that bit further ahead then there should be no problems at all.
God there are certainly some hysterical replies when someone asks about speed camera detectors.
'speed' doesnt kill, inapropriate speed definitely does. I have travelled at around 170 mph on a deserted motorway in the past, and im still alive, i.e the high speed didnt harm me or anyone else.
however I completely agree that 35mph is way too fast past a school or up a side street full of parked cars, I think this is MUCH more dangerous than travelling at 100mph on a quiet motorway.
Its a simple fact that the police and the camera partnerships can use cameras as an easy way to make money, hence the reason they site cameras round blind bends or tuck themselves away with handheld devices, believe me I used to live on a main road going down hill into town, In nice weather the police used to hide in the hedge opposite my house(sometimes on hands and knees!) because it was a great place to catch out people as they naturally accellerated down the hill.
Im all for road safety but as long as the police and the camera talivan use cameras for cash rather than improving road safety then its perfectly reasonable for people to want to protect there licences in anyway they can.
In the past the little urchins around our road have 'altered' one of the digits on my number plate, the night before I was due to drive up to scotland ;) little rascals
So rant at reckless idiots, but dont tar all with the same brush, and if you want to know what real speed is come and sit in my rally car at 90mph over the jumps of Epynt military ranges.!!!!
'speed' doesnt kill, inapropriate speed definitely does. I have travelled at around 170 mph on a deserted motorway in the past, and im still alive, i.e the high speed didnt harm me or anyone else.
however I completely agree that 35mph is way too fast past a school or up a side street full of parked cars, I think this is MUCH more dangerous than travelling at 100mph on a quiet motorway.
Its a simple fact that the police and the camera partnerships can use cameras as an easy way to make money, hence the reason they site cameras round blind bends or tuck themselves away with handheld devices, believe me I used to live on a main road going down hill into town, In nice weather the police used to hide in the hedge opposite my house(sometimes on hands and knees!) because it was a great place to catch out people as they naturally accellerated down the hill.
Im all for road safety but as long as the police and the camera talivan use cameras for cash rather than improving road safety then its perfectly reasonable for people to want to protect there licences in anyway they can.
In the past the little urchins around our road have 'altered' one of the digits on my number plate, the night before I was due to drive up to scotland ;) little rascals
So rant at reckless idiots, but dont tar all with the same brush, and if you want to know what real speed is come and sit in my rally car at 90mph over the jumps of Epynt military ranges.!!!!
Alvin100 has absolutely hit the nail on the head there.
Yes the reason I asked for such a guide on a gadget was for those instances where its quiet and you feel like a little blast. To get caught doing 85 down a quiet A road in....lets say Wales....would as far as I'm concerned be unjust.
I don't scream around town centres doing rediculous speed and stick by the simple rules of....there's a time and a place.
Its not showing off and its not for thrills....I love driving. Next up is a superbike.
Oh, Touareg-8. Why doesn't it surprise me that someone that has a user name the same as their car comes out with a useless statement like that.
And NORMANTHEDOG. Its a Focus ST. Its quick but there's clearly not much showing off to be done as the Toe Rag put it.
Thanks to the helpful ones. Much appreciated.
p.s. vehelpfulguy. Can you breakdown that statement and show how many of those 10 people are innocent people that were killed as a direct result of someone speeding????
Yes the reason I asked for such a guide on a gadget was for those instances where its quiet and you feel like a little blast. To get caught doing 85 down a quiet A road in....lets say Wales....would as far as I'm concerned be unjust.
I don't scream around town centres doing rediculous speed and stick by the simple rules of....there's a time and a place.
Its not showing off and its not for thrills....I love driving. Next up is a superbike.
Oh, Touareg-8. Why doesn't it surprise me that someone that has a user name the same as their car comes out with a useless statement like that.
And NORMANTHEDOG. Its a Focus ST. Its quick but there's clearly not much showing off to be done as the Toe Rag put it.
Thanks to the helpful ones. Much appreciated.
p.s. vehelpfulguy. Can you breakdown that statement and show how many of those 10 people are innocent people that were killed as a direct result of someone speeding????
I've got a Road Angel and wouldn't recommend it.
Technically it does its job in detecting cameras and warning of accident blackspots, but it just won't stay on its blasted bracket when you are giving it any degree of speed on the bends - under the limit and above.
Ironically, since I owned it and found it next to useless for at staying put, I've tended to go without it and observe the speed limit! Hmmm..not what I had in mind.
My friend has an Origin B2 and it is much better, wish I'd gone for that.
Spare me the lectures on speeding - on a deserted motorway, I see no probs with 100mph. Past a school, I do 25. Its speed in the wrong conditions/general bad driving/poorly maintained vehicles/tiredness/inexperience and a whole host of other factors which kill people on the roads, not 'speed' outright.
Technically it does its job in detecting cameras and warning of accident blackspots, but it just won't stay on its blasted bracket when you are giving it any degree of speed on the bends - under the limit and above.
Ironically, since I owned it and found it next to useless for at staying put, I've tended to go without it and observe the speed limit! Hmmm..not what I had in mind.
My friend has an Origin B2 and it is much better, wish I'd gone for that.
Spare me the lectures on speeding - on a deserted motorway, I see no probs with 100mph. Past a school, I do 25. Its speed in the wrong conditions/general bad driving/poorly maintained vehicles/tiredness/inexperience and a whole host of other factors which kill people on the roads, not 'speed' outright.
Alvin - TOTALLY spot on. You've said exactly what I've wanted to say but never had the balls to say it. I've had enough of being preached to about speeding - I'm sure most people on here try not to speed, but it is a fact of life than people do - but not everyone who speeds is a nutter. You can stray 3 or 4 mph over the limit at 30mph and harsly end up with 3 points. I'm all for road safety, but try having a go at these nutters who do twice the limit past school gates, hospitals, parks etc... do not assume that someone wants a radar detector just so they can flout the speed limit. It comes to something when people feel so intimidated by some little Hitlers trying to fill their coffers, that they're scared of their own shadows when driving.