Some parking signs have gone up in a private road near me. The owners of the road have obviously brought in this private firm. What happens apparently is, the firm take a photo of the road. If you car is there, they check the number with the DVLC and then write to you, with a fine for �95. I didn't realise that the DVLC just dished out private information. If I see a nice looking girl in a car, can I phone them up to find out where she lives?
Anyone can apply for DVLA information provided they have a valid reason. For example if a car continually parks across your drive you would be able to ask DVLA for the drivers details. However fancying a girl in another car probably wouldn't constitute a valid reason. DVLA will charge for this info. The parking firm probably has an account and a pre arrangement.
The DVLA have just tightened up their procedures for giving out these details due to theives seeing a high quality car or motorcycle parked in town then getting the address where they can steal it from!
You will need a good reason and proof of identity now.