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Divorce rights

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crapmemory | 20:31 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | Law
3 Answers
I am married to an alcoholic who has become verbally abusive towards me and my sons. What grounds can I divorce him on and what am I entitled to? (My sons are aged 22 & 18.)


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Well you can divorce him on the grounds of unreasonable behaviour or mental cruelty. What you would get depends far too much on your circumstance for us to answer really, go to CAB or a solicitor.
If I were you I would go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau. This link will get you there : etadvice.htm#txt_getadvice_header-Anchor-searc h
They will put you in touch with an appropriate solicitor and guide you through the individual steps.
Please do this asap! If you let the verbal abuse continue it may well become physical abuse and that can indeed end in tragedy. So, for your own safety, take action before it gets to that, please. You might be able to get a restraining order on him. He would then have to find himself somewhere else to live. If you are not yet in touch with Al-anon, you might want to give them a ring too. They support the families of alcoholics (Helpline) 020 7403 0888. Or visit their website :
The police have specially trained domestic abuse officers, who are excellent. The are very supportive in both verbal abuse cases as well as physical abuse etc., so you might want to give them a ring and speak to them about your situation. Hope this helps. Be safe. I hope everything works out for you and your boys. :o)
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